The Technical and Air Safety Committee is the forum by which any member may contribute to our purpose of providing advice to government in relation to aviation safety policy. This includes Responses to routine consultation from CASA and Airservices, participation in the RAPAC’s, interactions with the Bureau of Meteorology and feedback to the Australian Transport and Safety Bureau. The advice we provide aims to be technically competent, representative of a whole-of-aviation viewpoint from a pilots’ perspective and neither industrially or politically aligned to a trade union or political party viewpoint. When an issue arises to which members of the Technical Committee wish to respond, they may contact the Technical Director, or the Technical Director may circulate the item to interested members, seeking their input. Members are invited to join the Technical and Air Safety Committee by filling out their details and areas of interest via an interactive skills register form HERE. Membership is open to all members of the Honourable Company : this is one of our most important ways to become involved in the Honourable Company’s work.